March 26, 2020 | 5years | News
It does not need me to state the obvious, but the last few days we have seen unprecedented events which has taken over everybody’s life and dramatically changed our daily routine, whist obliterating any plans we had for the next few months beyond all recognition.
At Apsis, like most business, we have been trying daily to plan, implement, control and assess/adjust our future strategies to try to ensure that we can get through this crisis.
The phrase “we are all in it together” is at the core of our strategic planning and although we cannot even begin to understand the emotional impact on our wonderful NHS staff we do have complete empathy with every small business who are looking into the abyss. The feeling of uncertainty, helplessness and isolation are devastating staff and business owners, irrespective if you are employed or self-employed.
Therefore, Apsis today is launching 100% free access to our Apsis One-Share software system for next three months. There are no gimmicks or demand for credit cards, and we will monitor, and if necessary, extend the free period until this crisis is over. This is a genuine attempt to provide the tools that allow all workers a collaborative platform to assist in the call from our Government to work from home.
In addition, we know there are many small organisations may require help and training with business activities but have been just too busy just trying to make ends meet and chasing cashflow to learn new skills. So now might just be the time to take a step back and use some of the free time to build better business systems so that when we come out the other end of this crisis your business is in a much better position to move forward. To facilitate this, Apsis is also planning to run a serious of free online training courses that will assist small businesses to learn how to be more productive. This will provide training in a number of business function including ESTIMATING, MATERIAL PURCHASING, PROJECT PLANNING, DOCUMENT CONTROL and COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT.
To set up your new Apsis account simply register via our Apsis portal.
Each account can initially set up 20 user licences, but if you require more licences then you can simply contact the Apsis help centre who will add as many licences as you require.
Existing customers can also add as many additional licences to their account to ensure that their team has full access to the Apsis One-Share software and support.
All the Apsis team hope you stay safe and work together to get thought the next few weeks and months. If you have any question, please feel free to contact myself or our support staff.
Dr Alex Reid
Founder and CEO